Saturday, August 4, 2012

Are you a pinner or a maker?

I haven't been on Pinterest for very long.  I guess you could say it was because I didn't understand what all of the buzz was about.  I am not one to surf the internet without a purpose, and to me, that's what Pinterest was.  However, after my older sister found a really cute pattern for a Spring Wreath I decided to check it out.  I waited almost a week for an invitation!  This of course made me feel more annoyed than special to be joining. 

Well, it took some time, but I have grown to very much enjoy the Pinterest boards!  I love to see what others are posting and get cooking and crafting ideas.  I kept pinning and pinning with visions of spiced pumpkin dip and little ruffly dresses dancing in my head. 

After seeing all of those cute pictures and seemingly simple recipes and instructions I decided to dive in - head first.  I've gathered bits and pieces of crafting supplies for some of the projects, but have not yet completed anything.  So here is the next step in my blogging life.  I will take those mouth watering and eye oogling projects, complete them, then report back here on cost (as close as possible), time, difficulty, pictured steps and actual end result.  Keep an eye out for the weekend posts.  I hope that you read along for the duration!!

P.S.  If there are any pins you'd like to see completed, but are just not sure how hard they'd actually be send them my way.  I'll see what I can do : )

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